Day 9: Good for you

Day 9 of 30 Days of Intonation: Good for you!

For Day 9 of 30 Days of Intonation, we are going to look at an expression that is usually - but NOT always - used to express support towards another person:

Good for you!

We start by examining "Good for you" with neutral intonation, and experiment with raising pitch in order to show even more enthusiasm and excitement for the other person.

We also look at how to use falling intonation (rather than rising intonation) in order to express "Good for you" the way a coach, mentor, teacher, boss, or professor would after a job well done.

Although "good for you" is usually a positive expression, it can be used sarcastically with flat, annoyed intonation in order to show irritation or jealousy.

Similarly, applying wavy intonation to "good for you" is a way to mock, tease, or make fun of another person.

You might hear this type of intonation from kids making fun of each other, or when it seems like one person is bragging and the other person is tired of hearing it.

Related Examples:

  • That’s awesome
  • Well done
  • Nice one