Day 8: Oh

Day 8 of 30 Days of Intonation: Oh... Oh? Oh!

For Day 8 of 30 Days of Intonation, we're looking at the ways you can express active listening, interest, curiosity, shock, surprise, sympathy, or disappointment, all using this short word:


"Oh" is one of the most useful rejoinders in American English.

Rejoinders show listening, understanding, and interest in conversation.

I want to remind you how important it is to show active listening when having a conversation in English.

Americans expect to *hear* you show active listening through short words and phrases that echo back their emotions and encourage them to keep talking.

In other language and cultures, listening is more quiet and passive, perhaps only expressed by nodding the head. Native English speakers are used to participating in conversation, using many of these phrases we've talked about so far.

If you want to have a better conversation in English, react to what the other person is saying *as they are talking.* If you feel a little shy, "oh" is a good place to start.

This also puts less pressure on what you say when the person finishes speaking - because you've shown them that you understand and were listening carefully using these rejoinders, you don't have to prove it!

Related Examples:

  • Hmm
  • Ah