Day 22: Sorry to interrupt

Day 22 of 30 Days of Intonation: Sorry to interrupt

For Day 22 of 30 Days of Intonation, we look at a conversational expression used to apologize for interrupting or interjecting:

Sorry to interrupt

In the video, I talk about three distinct intonation patterns you can use with this phrase: normal statement intonation, holding intonation, and authoritative intonation.

I really want you to understand how important polite intonation is when you interrupt or interject to share ideas, especially in a professional setting.

While interruptions are a normal part of conversation, using appropriate tone can help your listener feel more comfortable with the interruption.

Tone can also express that you are genuinely want to add to the conversation, rather than control it.

I focus extra attention on using holding intonation with my clients; avoiding a flat tone can help you sound less demanding in the workplace.

Remember, it's not always your vocabulary or language; sometimes, it's actually your tone that influences how people see you when you're speaking English.

That's why I felt it was so important to include this phrase in this program!

Related Examples:

  • Sorry for interrupting
  • Sorry for the interruption
  • Sorry to jump in
  • I apologize for interrupting